Monday, February 6, 2012


January 24, 2012
Dear Dreamers:
I’m in a small one-room apartment.  It’s dingy...dark color peeling walls and cheap old furniture.  There’s nothing homey or welcoming about this place.  It looks decrepit and seems abandoned, beyond poor.  Yet sunlight shines in through several windows and throws massive beams of light across the desolate landscape, illuminating the solar system of dust floating through the air.  I’m rushing to work and walk out without my stainless steel bottle of water.  I go back for it.  Friends are outside waiting for me.  One of them is Ryan Seacrest (I just watched American Idol last night).  We’re all walking to’s raining and dark and we’re all bent into the wind and the heavy rain...luckily we don’t have far to go.  We work in a high rise, which looms in front of us, very tall, very modern and all glass.  The building, as I see it, looks distorted...too tall and thin and leaning to the left...(is this a political acknowledgement?)  
Where is this going?  Not sure except, of course, that I would say the apartment represents me, or aspects of me.  The beams of light in this image would indicate that there is hope for re-creation, which is a continuation of themes in previous dreams: shedding old ways of being and replacing them with new.  Rain could indicate cleansing or the beginning of a new phase and coupled with the darkness could indicate a journey into deeper unconscious, greater self-awareness.  Certainly, this is something I embrace.  On the other hand, it might indicate sadness...also a possibility at this time.  I have no idea why Ryan Seacrest is in my dream except that I did see him on TV earlier.  I do NOT have romantic interest in him!  And the distorted vision of the high-rise may be an indication that I don’t see myself clearly.  
As time has passed, I have explored this vision in more depth, and went inside the building.  It’s an office building, and I’m on a floor that’s very bright.  No one else is around but there are cubicles...partitions that are typical in many offices.  When I explored the purpose of these partitions, the possibility came to me that they are a means of containing and managing the intense levels of light, i.e. awareness/enlightenment that flow through me.  They provide a way for me to modulate my feelings around being a vessel for Source energy.  In this dream, I have literally gone from darkness to light, sadness to joy, unconscious to conscious.  

So I have to ask myself, why not let all the light shine through?  Why not be a free-flowing expression of Source?  What's there to fear?  Good questions which I will continue to explore!
What do you think?
‘Til next time...
Happy dreaming!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


January 27, 2012
Dear Dreamers:
There’s a Line of Cars strung as far as I can see along a dark road, each with their headlights on, creating an unending string of light in the dark.  Huge Trees line both sides of the street. I don’t see other people, just cars.  I’m on Bicycle and Car Lights are guiding me home.  Home is a big white colonial type house on a hill.  A big circular driveway leads to the entrance.  The House is well lit and the chimney is emitting a long plume of smoke.  Neighbors, Friends and Family are gathered in front of the house cheering me on.  It feels good to arrive...I’m tired, but happy.
This reinforces my belief that in all our lives there are lights guiding us along our path.  Sometimes we don’t recognize the lights.  Sometimes we do recognize them, but ignore them anyway.   In any case, there are always people who are encouraging and supportive, and they are the brightest lights of all!
What do you think?
‘Til next time...
Happy dreaming!