Monday, October 31, 2011


Oct. 31, 2011
I’m sitting around a conference table with several men and a woman who looks much like Meryl Streep.  We’re talking about Meryl who wants to be married “with a 10” belly”. She couldn’t give me an answer when I asked why.  But when I said it didn’t sound like a good idea, that she and her boyfriend need time together alone before having children, she replied, “we already live together.”  But no, actually they live with a friend...a third-party distraction, as would be a child...a third party to distract from the connection of the two.  She wasn’t convinced, and no one else at the table said anything, so I called my husband, Mark.  He was busy and didn’t really want to participate in this discussion, but when I asked for his thoughts, he said that first she needed to be “satisfied” with every aspect of her life.  Satisfied...interesting word.  And one of the ways you get to know if you are satisfied or not is by being honest with yourself...and listening.  Listening to self, to partner, to others...without distractions.   Honest, eyeball to eyeball sharing and listening.  Meryl was stopped, looked thoughtful, said nothing.  The room was silent as I awoke.
There is a theme of “going inward” that has threaded through each of the dreams that I have posted.  I’m aware of these messages to myself, and look inward as much as I can without turning myself inside out.
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I wish you sweet dreams...


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mumbling in My Sleep

Dear Dreamers:
Last night was verrry interesting.  My husband, Mark, put on a show called TubaCzar.  Mark plays a 99 year old tuba and is the Tuba Czar.  He invites other amazingly creative and talented folks to play with him on stage and to do their own thing as well.  The show was Halloween-themed and was so great, we were high all night on that positive, fun energy.  Ok, i had a couple of drinks at the after party.  So I think i slept, but each time I looked at the clock it was an hour or so I must have slept in between.  Bottom line, I don’t remember any dreams.  But they say you don’t remember dreams if you’ve had booze.  Ooops.  This morning however, Mark did tell me I was mumbling in my sleep, which I thought was fun.  I’d love to know what I was thinking!  
However, I do have a daydream...that Mark’s monthly show become a huge event at a huge theater and amass a huge following and the recognition it deserves! 
Meanwhile, please share your dreams...we’ll talk!
Thanks, and keep dreaming on!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oct 28, 2011

Dear Dreamers:

It's day two and I had another good one last night!  I was at an estate sale.  Not a big fancy house, just a bungalow in a rather non-descript suburb somewhere.  Though the outside was average looking, much like the other homes on the street, the inside was filled with lots of ornate furnishings and decorative arts.  All very Belle Epoque.  Not my taste at all.  There were lots of people there, but I found the owner and asked if there was any old jewelry.  She told me to wait while she went to find it.  I was bored so I took a cookie and went outside, where I saw my older brother, Jerry, sitting on a rocker on the sidewalk.  We talked a bit.  Soon the owner came out with a small box of pretty costume jewelry.  Initially, I was disappointed that it wasn't "real" jewelry, no diamonds or other precious stones.  But upon closer look I realized there were some pearls, some gold and stunning crystals in beautiful arrangements.  I lit up as I looked at it all...I took the whole box.  The end.

Ok, so is this the same message as yesterday?  Go inside, look closely to find the pearls, the value?  Again, the metaphors of the house, light, inner gifts.  I love that in the dream there's an estate sale, a divesting of old stuff, because right now, at this time in my life, I Bev am clearing out old psychological and emotional stuff as well as getting rid of stuff in my environment.  This is so cool!  But if the house represents me, what does the crowd mean?  And what does it mean that i walked out?  And why is my brother there?  Food for thought...

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Be well...and keep dreaming on!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear Dreamers:
Dreams fascinate me.  I’m not an expert, but I do know I love the images, the metaphors, the puzzle of these nocturnal moving pictures.  Most of the time I wake up feeling some level of frustration...  What is it???  What is it trying to tell me???  I set intentions before going to sleep to remember and understand my dreams.  When I awake, I lie in bed trying to recreate the dream, to relive it and to solidify it in my mind so that at some point, perhaps later in the day, i’ll understand it’s meaning.   
Today was not like that.  Today i actually understood a piece of what was in that mental mind-movie...
It’s nighttime. I’m outside of what appears to be home on a lake (no doubt influenced by the creepy movie i watched earlier).  It’s raining. I’m on the porch.  I’m trying to read something, to understand it, but outside I can’t see it.  I have to go inside where there is light in order to see and understand it.
Get it?  Go inside, dummy!  Stop looking for salvation or answers outside of myself and look inside....inside is where the answers lie.  Inside is where the light is. Inside is where  the peace is.
So this morning after I awoke I meditated.  It felt soooo good and I feel peaceful and connected.  And then I got the idea to share this with others and to have others share their dreams, too...thus, this blog.  I have been dreaming about blogging for a couple of years, but until now have not had any inspiration.  This is it!
Are you inspired?  I’d love to hear your dream stories and the messages and insights gained from them.  And if you - whoever you are - have more (positive) thoughts about my dreams, please send them along!
Thanks, and keep dreaming on!