Monday, October 31, 2011


Oct. 31, 2011
I’m sitting around a conference table with several men and a woman who looks much like Meryl Streep.  We’re talking about Meryl who wants to be married “with a 10” belly”. She couldn’t give me an answer when I asked why.  But when I said it didn’t sound like a good idea, that she and her boyfriend need time together alone before having children, she replied, “we already live together.”  But no, actually they live with a friend...a third-party distraction, as would be a child...a third party to distract from the connection of the two.  She wasn’t convinced, and no one else at the table said anything, so I called my husband, Mark.  He was busy and didn’t really want to participate in this discussion, but when I asked for his thoughts, he said that first she needed to be “satisfied” with every aspect of her life.  Satisfied...interesting word.  And one of the ways you get to know if you are satisfied or not is by being honest with yourself...and listening.  Listening to self, to partner, to others...without distractions.   Honest, eyeball to eyeball sharing and listening.  Meryl was stopped, looked thoughtful, said nothing.  The room was silent as I awoke.
There is a theme of “going inward” that has threaded through each of the dreams that I have posted.  I’m aware of these messages to myself, and look inward as much as I can without turning myself inside out.
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I wish you sweet dreams...


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