Thursday, November 24, 2011


Nov. 24
Dear Dreamers:

First, Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you all have a grand day.
Last night I was in a foreign country...a country where there were thousands of their currency to our dollar and where people lived very simply. It kind of felt like my idea of India. I was in a hotel that had just long strips of plastic instead of a door at the entrance.  Several of us were sitting on the floor during a big rainstorm and, even though it poured, the plastic blew but we didn’t get wet.  We sat and watched the rain, secure in the separation of the wetness and the warmth.  I was traveling alone.  At one point, I wanted to go out and, went up to the roof.  It was only about four stories, so I jumped down and walked around the corner to a cafe.  It was busy and lively, lots of conversation.  It felt and looked like a college hangout...wood walls with lots of posters, smoky, crowded.  I met several people, mostly young men, who were very friendly.  I had a great time.  When it came time for me to return to the hotel, I was too tired or drunk, and took a taxi.  After the very short ride, he charged me 2800 whatever, and I was appalled. “Are you crazy...we only went around the block!” I shouted.  We argued for a bit, and then a lovely young woman came out and handed him 50 cents American.  That was all it was and I felt embarrassed that I had argued over such a small amount.  I was grateful for her help.  Except for the argument with the taxi driver, I felt peaceful in that country and was enjoying the experience.  Then I awoke.
It seems to me that being in a foreign country is about being content with another way of thinking and being.  I’ve been working on creating both internal and external shifts in my life...perhaps this is an indication that it’s ok, that I will always be secure and protected...and perhaps the cafe is a reference to being able to shift back to old, more familiar ways of being when required or desired and that’s ok too and I can leave there with ease.  Same with the roof...I was high, in the new internal place and I was able to jump down (into the familiar) easily.  

I think the lovely young woman was me, too, telling myself to chill...stay in the flow, enjoy where you’re at while you’re there and, again, leave behind the old ways of thinking and being.  Rain for me is always good...washing away old stuff, bringing newness and freshness...rebirth.  So what I’m taking away from this is that while I may be in a strange new place, it’s a good place and it's good to be here, and I'm safe and supported here.  And even though I may be compelled to go back to the familiar at times, going back there is just a temporary visit.  Cool.
What do you think?

Til next time...
Happy dreaming!

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