Sunday, December 25, 2011


December 25, 2011
Dear Dreamers:
I’m in an open field, it’s nighttime...the sky is clear and filled with stars and the air is brisk.  There’s a bunch of us milling around...seems like we’re camping.  But I also think we’re “on the road,” a group of entertainers, perhaps musicians, resting for the moment and hanging out.  Aside from this general group activity, all I really remember from this dream is that one of the men wanted to have sex with my husband, which he seemed willing to try.  I was shocked, and woke up not knowing what happens next!
Interesting.  The first thing that occurred to me about this dream is that I sometimes think others get the best part of my husband.  That is, I believe he’s funniest, smartest and most engaging when we’re in the company of other people.  When we’re at home together, it often feels to me like we take each other for granted, and somehow that wonderful feeling of comfort turns to stupor.  I this a Christmas grateful for what I have and don’t take the gifts for granted?  Perhaps.  And if I consider that all the characters in the dream represent parts of me, perhaps it’s a message to appreciate myself more, too.  And to love myself as well.  This makes sense, given that before falling asleep I was being highly self-critical for over-indulging in rich foods and mulled wine last night.  How wrong it is to be cruel to ourselves in this way! What a waste of time and energy...and what exactly do I create with these thoughts?  

Once again I am reminded how much our late night activities and thoughts influence our sleeping state and our dreams.  
I am grateful for the wisdom of the night movies, especially when they remind me to be kinder to myself.
What do you think?
‘Til next time...
Happy dreams!

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