Tuesday, December 13, 2011


December 13, 2011
Dear Dreamers:
I’m sprawled on a big bed with my brother...both of us clothed, just talking about stuff...about life.  There’s clothes piled everywhere as if one or both of us just moved into this place and we’re still arranging things.  Immediately the scene switches to us walking on the street, same thoughtful demeanor.  Finallly, we’re in front of a big multi-story home.  Whereas there was a lot of color in both the previous scenes, this one is all white and ethereal looking.  We’re sitting on the steps at the entrance, and my question to him is “does he feel fulfilled?” His answer is “yes” and we talk about that some more.  While we’re talking, I’m picking up pieces of jewelry that are laying on the ground...finely carved ivory, silver, abalone, unknown semi- and precious stones.  I wonder who left them and why.
If I consider that my brother, in this case, is another part of me, the male (or as Carl Jung identified it, the animus), I can see this dream as being about integration of the male/female sides of me.  As there is no conflict between us in this dream, and in fact we seem very connected, I am assuming that my unconscious is telling me I am accepting of both my masculine and feminine sides, which is a good thing.  
I wonder what prompted the attention to this topic, and the first thing that comes to mind are a couple of recent comments I made, one at a party and one at a theatrical event.  Both were rather “unlady-like” comments, but very funny.  I may have offended a few folks by them, but others, especially my husband, lauged.  This felt good and gave me much satisfaction.  In fact, the more I think about it, I’m happy to realize I received satisfaction and no shame from my behavior, which is definitely a step up for me.  In the past, I frequently second-guessed or censored myself in order to avoid appearing inappropriate or offensive.  So this says, to me, that I have little fear around being judged harshly, and am more accepting and trusting of that ribald and very honest part of myself.  I like that.  
As for the big house and the jewels...The house almost looks like heaven’s doorway, heaven’s gate.  Sitting on the doorstep, we talk about lofty sentiments, the kinds of things one thinks about, I imagine, at the end of one’s life.  I see the jewels as the nuggets of wisdom and other gifts that have come to me throughout the years.  This is a reminder for me to not forget the important things I have learned, but rather to embrace and re-integrate them into my way of being.  It is pleasing to know there are lots of jewels available to me.
What do you think?
‘Til next time...
Happy dreams!

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