Thursday, January 5, 2012


January 5, 2012
Dear Dreamers:
I was staying in a large rustic lodge in the mountains that reminded me a lot of Lake Arrowhead.  Though only two stories, the lodge itself was huge.  It had two long wings that splayed out from the center, which was the lobby/meeting/gathering area.  It was as a rustic lodge should be:  all wood, lots of fireplaces and very cozy.  I was attending some sort of convention and was there with a few friends.  This particular seminar was in a large room. I chose to sit with a younger person I knew while the older person I knew sat with an even older person.  
After leaving the seminar, I wanted exercise and walked all the way down one long wing to the outside.  When I reached the outside I walked a few blocks, but couldn’t  recognize where I was and felt like I was lost.  I had to ask for help finding my way back to the hotel.  It happened again and I felt very confused and didn’t understand why I couldn’t walk from the hotel without feeling lost.  The third time I walked further and saw that the hotel was just a couple of blocks away.  Relieved, I headed back.  When I arrived, hanging over the bannister on the landing, was a beautiful big cat.  It was grey and white with fur as thick as a mink, and it appeared to be smiling and guiding me.
Suddenly I’m in my room.  It’s a nice room with large windows and a stunning view of the mountains, cozy appointments and a fireplace.  Though it's sunny outside, rain is leaking into the room.  Initially the leaks are minor, but soon it starts raining in the room.  There’s a hole in the floor by the door.   It’s a mess.  There’s water everywhere...on the bed, on my clothes.  I call the front desk to complain.  At first they don’t believe me and I tell them to send someone up to see, and quickly a cleaning person comes to check it out.  They tell me they’ll put me in another room...or they will write me a check and I can stay there.  I’m pissed and say I want both for the trouble. 
Then I am awakened.
I believe the mountains in this case refer to “the meaning of life,” a spiritual pursuit, as spiritual pursuit and personal growth are common themes for me.  The hotel, representing me, is has wings, which to me imply a sense of soaring.  Clearly, when I leave myself, when I stray too far from my center, I get lost.  I lose my way.  The cat beckons me to return to myself, my inner wisdom, my intuition, my femininity.  The rain in the room is an indication of growth...perhaps a new phase is opening for me in my life.  I find it annoying at first and complain about it, but the reality is that I ultimately get the rewards for the “inconvenience.”  
Yes, change is challenging and often uncomfortable, but as I move through this transitional phase of my life, I eagerly embrace the positive changes I am anticipating and look forward to new ways of being.
What do you think?
‘Til next time...
Happy dreaming!

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